Dedicated Offshore Team For Custom Needs
With great team comes great achievements. And we help our client to complete their team with full-time dedicated resources for design, development, project management and devOps.
What are the biggest challenges with going offshore?
1. Language Barrier:
Often times we have to explain ourselves multiple times when dealing with offshore engineers, this doesn't make us go faster and often times slows us down.
Convergetree has solved this problem by providing a team of engineers that are from Nepal, capable of fluent English conversation. We believe that by making all requirements visual and upfront, we are able to lock down and agree on the work required with our client before a single line of code is written. We also provide sprint reviews and constant demos to elicit and gather feedback at each stage or our synchronized sprint schedule.
2. Time zone difference:
Most of our clients view this as a bad thing, and this can be true when we are dealing with one client and one deliverable. The typical situation is where we have a team of offshore developers and the specifications are vague, therefore the team sits idle waiting for a solution. This is not the case with Convergetree:
- i) Our process for gathering and understanding client needs is world class, therefore we understand what the client wants before they do,
- ii) If we do end up in the stalled state, we are typically working on 2 to 5 initiatives with the client and can seamlessly transition to another task until we are able to sync up on an impediment or roadblock. Again, this is rare and outside the norm.
3. Delivering something different than has been specified:
We use solid and proven agile methods to prevent this. We overcome this real-world problem that our clients experienced by constant sprint reviews, client feedback and regular interaction. Most of our clients get exactly what they specified. And if they don't, we fix it until they are satisfied.
4. Code quality:
During initial offshore projects, there was an issue with the code being checked in and built without solid and formal peer review. We are dedicated to solid peer review, we are formally trained engineers and are dedicated to the code review process. We are passionate about continuous integration and we make sure that every checking is done with a poll request. This is just industry standard and something everyone in the software space should be doing, we are no different, we are not special. If our code doesn't pass code review we do not bill you for those hours until it's been checked in. This is also true for all QA and defect tracking and fixing, we will never charge a customer for our oversight.
5. Knowledge not staying within the company:
We are documentation gurus, everything we do has documentation as part of the process. You own the source code, we do not. Therefore, this is your baby, this is what you pay us for, how could we build you a car without an owner’s manual? That is exactly how we build software, from extensive code comments and end-user documentation, this is what is baked in when you work with Convergetree.
6. Best practices not being followed:
We are a team of highly advanced and experienced developers. This is the beauty of software development, this is a global science, it doesn't matter what language you speak or what nationality you are from. Software best practices are universal, we follow all design patterns, best technology stacks. Our education is very similar to advanced schools in the US and UK. Our percentage of rework after code review is 4.7%, this is lower than onshore code review re-work.
What our clients are saying

GSD has been working with Convergetree for around a year in developing and maintaining cloud solutions.
By complete and dedicate focus to these 3 key areas we have been able to deliver unparalleled value and a price that is at or below market value.
There is no other partner or team I would align myself with. The main concerns with going external have been clearly mitigated by using Convergetree and their team of excellent and highly qualified engineers.
Tyson Dymock
CEO | GSD Cloud Services

I have loved working with Birendra and his team; they get things done quickly, efficiently, understand complex projects or team dynamics and are all around great to work with. Not only are they awesome communicators and collaborators, they are also very accommodating. We wouldn't have been able to redesign our website so easily and effectively without them. Seriously loved having this powerhouse team on our side and walking us through everything from SEO to UX along the way. I will absolutely hire this team again!
Maria Kontgis
Studios Team Manager | Expertvoice

Working with skilled individuals is always great, but in combination with having a positive attitude and high engagement its a winning combination that I can highly recommend. We have a long experience of outsourcing but this is on a different level.
As their team consists of skilled developers with wide knowledge from different frameworks and languages, we have been able to quickly together create the specifications needed and get started with a project.